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Sermon on the Mount SPEAKER: PETER ACETI

Our purpose is to proclaim the Gospel

Welcome! We’re glad to have you with us at Bethel Bible Chapel. Here at Bethel, our purpose is to be a caring, Christ-centred community that worships God, proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and through Biblical instruction, prayer and fellowship equips the believers to serve God and share their faith as a way of life.

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Missionary of the Month

Missionary of the WeekRyan and Kathleen serve at Camp ABK - a summer camp where we strive to present the claims of Christ through the camping experience. We love serving at a place where kids are able to have a ton of fun just being kids - and where we get to see the Lord work in the lives of children and adults.

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Current Sermon Series Open Topics Through The Summer

This summer at Bethel individual speakers will have the opportunity to present a sermon with a topic of their own choosing. Ephesians 4:15-16, "Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love."


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Welcome to Bethel

This is a place to connect and grow


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Join Us During the week Church isn't just on Sundays

Monday: Connect 4

Tuesday: AWANA Clubs

Wednesday: Ladies Coffee Hour & Bible Study

Thursday: Small Groups

Friday: Youth Group

Saturday: Men's Breakfast


* Please note that some of our meetings happen throughout the week and not just on a single weekday, or on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.

From the Blog

January 24, 2024

A Friend Remembered

God be glorified for the life and witness of Jack Correll and I pray God will raise up such examples in every generation and church to shepherd the people of God until Jesus returns.

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December 28, 2023

Book of the Year 2023: Providence

Providence addresses the question of why, and to what end and purpose does God work His power and rule over everything? Providence is about the purposeful sovereignty of God.

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February 21, 2023

The Friends we Need, Part 3: Friends Behind

In God’s design for our lives, salvation in Christ is never about getting in the door then getting comfortable. So, having younger friends whom you are bringing along in the Lord is part of Christian maturity and necessary for a healthy church family.

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Outreach We Serve

We serve because God has served us. He has given us the perfect example in His Son Jesus. We use our gifts to serve others as a picture of God’s grace and mercy to the world.  

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