Field of Service: Belgium
Mission Organization: MSC Canada
Ministry: In 1975 a family of five moved to Belgium. We are now 12 and still in Belgium. We came to do evangelism as we had been doing in Canada since we were saved in 1970. Everybody had to know that wonderful gospel message that had changed us so much. We moved house four times in our little province of Limburg, in 1980 we settled down in Houthalen. There are now 12 assemblies in Limburg. Our son, John, married Yoko, they have Hailey (20) and Liam (8). Our youngest daughter, Joy, married Johan, they have Nevan (21), Lani (19) and Dillon (12). Julie is executive secretary at ETF in Leuven. She works from home because all the students are doing their Biblical studies from because of the virus!
We praise the Lord we are His, it is a privilege to share the gospel though the interest has waned a lot through the years. Now refugees are wanting to hear the gospel. We have had contact with them going back seven years. A time to laugh and often a time to cry. Some have been saved, some sent back. Some came so close and circumstances pulled us apart. Some have stayed in our home, some have been baptized and come into fellowship with the saints. We mostly have contact with Iranians at the moment. We had 30 coming to a Bible study that is now on hold, we are trying to reach them through the Internet. Our hearts go out to them.
Prayer Update - March 2023
I miss Beryl very much but have great comfort in knowing she is with the Lord. I have supper with my family every evening which is a great help.
My granddaughter, Lani, Joy and Johan’s daughter, has Lyme disease which makes her very tired. She cannot work but she is very creative and makes beautiful things. She is trusting the Lord for her future!!
Yoko, John’s wife, has been in the hospital for 5 weeks with an infection in her hip. She needs a hip replacement but has to wait until she is infection free.
Julie is not married, she works at the Evangelical Theological Seminary as executive secretary. She enjoys it very much but there is a lot of responsibility that comes her way.
Beerse, the second assembly that we started in 1975, is going through a very difficult period. It may not survive unless the Lord steps in and helps solve the issues. I will spare you the details but it is weighing heavily on my mind!! Please pray for Beerse.
In Houthalen, where I live, a couple in the assembly is having a very hard time. P&G have been married 40 years, have 3 daughters, 2 sons in laws and 4 grandchildren. We are trying to help them with their struggles but it is not easy. We would ask you to pray earnestly for them.
Henk Gelling