This week’s instalment of the Job series is tackling a big fish, “Bad things happen to bad people”. It is taking more time than I thought to get the pieces to fit together well. So, to tide you over, here are some of my favourite things from around the web this week.
Special Edition: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, The Briefing
The Briefing has been part of my morning routine for over 5 years. It is a “daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview” with Albert Mohler, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. Even though it focuses on American news, it has shaped the way I think about culture and politics immensely. This special edition honours the legacy of the “Notorious RBG” a woman who fought proudly and consistently for her side of the argument for her entire life. Unfortunately, as Christians, we have to say that she was on the wrong side of that argument. The influence and legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on (North) American culture is unmistakable. This episode will give you a good summary of who she was and what is at stake as we look forward to her successor.
Phoebe Reads a Mystery
If you are a fan of mystery novels, this podcast will read a classic mystery novel to you chapter by chapter. Right now, I am working through Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles. If you have a road trip or yard work coming up, download a few of these and the time will fly by.
When Will We Get Results in the US Election?, BBC
If you remember the recount of the Bush-Gore election in the 2000 election, then get ready for an exaggerated replay of that if the November election South of our border isn’t clearly decisive.
U.S. Teens Take After Their Parents Religiously, Attend Services Together and Enjoy Family Rituals
If you are a parent you need to read this study. Or you can read Christianity Today’s analysis, but either way this is important. This study dives into how the religious habits of parents are reflected in the religious attitudes of their teenagers (13-17 year olds). This report compares Evangelical, Mainline Protestant, Catholic, and Religiously Unaffiliated families and their religious convictions and habits. Evangelical Protestant families prove themselves unique over and over again in this study as 71% of Evangelical teens say religion is important in their lives compared with just ~25% of Catholic or Mainline Protestant teens. Preaching the Gospel matters for teenagers, and being in a Church that honours the Word of God as central can change the trajectory of a family.
I’ve been a NEEDTOBREATHE fan for a while. Their newest album, Out of Body, is a great example of the sound that made me a fan in the first place, while still taking it to the next level. Here’s my favourite song from the album at this point: