God Answers Prayer

As of Friday, June 12, 2020, houses of worship in the region of Algoma can open for worship up to 30% of their capacity while observing physical distancing and other generally applicable precautions.

This is amazing news and we cannot miss the chance to thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for hearing our prayers and giving us this opportunity. It is a gift from God.


That is not to say that we do not owe thanks to others. Our health care workers on the front lines have been amazing. Our hospital and health administrators have been relentless in planning contingencies thoroughly. Our business owners have sacrificed revenue for the good of this community. Many people in these roles are represented in our Bethel family. Thank you for your work. This entire community has joined together to try new ways of doing business, enjoying our city, and keeping things from falling into chaos. You are appreciated.

However, as Christian’s who believe the Bible and know its story, we know there are always two realities at work. One is history, the other is HIS-story. I know that’s cheesy, but you’ll remember it!

HIS-story is the tale our loving creator, the Triune God of the Bible, has woven through every generation in all creation. From the void of Genesis 1 to this very day, He has made and guided it all. From the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD to COVID-19, no disaster has escaped His notice and ordination. Not one hair has fallen from a human head without God knowing (Luke 12:7), and not a single pigeon in the Station Mall parking lot has had lunch without God’s direct intervention (Matt 6:26). 

God Answers Prayer

So, as I, and many other Christian people have posted prayers, encouraged others to pray, prayed with others, and prayed on our own, we see this moment in Algoma region, in Sault Ste. Marie, at Bethel Bible Chapel, as a direct answer from the Almighty God of the universe in response to our prayers. 

There is a mysterious and amazing harmony between the prayers of God’s people, and the sovereign control of God over all things. Abraham negotiated with God over the judgement of Sodom and Gomorrah and God promised to spare the city for the sake of 10 righteous people (Gen. 18:16-33). Moses prayed that God would relent of His judgement of the Israelites after the golden calf incident and the tribes were not obliterated (Ex. 32:11-14). The early Church prayed for Peter’s release from prison and within the hour Peter was knocking on the door (Acts 12:5-17). God’s all-powerful hand is moved by the humble prayers of his people.

Next Steps

As we make plans for gathering again, we first want to be thankful for how God has answered our prayers. We are in awe. We also know that these next weeks and months may be challenging. Please pray for creativity and patience in addressing these new concerns, and as the leadership seeks to obey the regulations put forth by our authorities.

For some, we have waited too long already to gather again in worship. For some, there is still so much uncertainty surrounding this virus that they will still wait and worship with us from a distance. And for some, with health or other considerations, they know they could not gather with us at this time. There is a temptation to judge others who hold different opinions on these issues. There will be different opinions among us, and we must face that disagreement with the grace that only God can give. Just because we may disagree, does not mean we are against each other; all of us must bear with one another as God has been patient and gentle with us. By God’s grace this will not be a point of division in our family as we remember how gracious God has been with us when we were his enemies (Rom. 5:10).

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. – Ephesians 4:1-7

If you are part of our Bethel family, keep praying as we finalize plans for meeting together. We are excited and want to do this well. There are lots of things to consider.

If you are not part of our Bethel family, but this season of isolation has brought with it a need for peace, healing, and hope: come. Be welcomed to our family meal and see what God has done for others and what He can do for you in Jesus.

Coming to church will become a more complicated process than it was before in the coming weeks, but the message of hope, forgiveness, salvation, and joy in Jesus Christ has not changed. 

Keep your eye on and our Facebook page for the most up-to-date information about Sunday’s moving forward. 

I love you all, and I cannot wait to sit, stand, and sing together in worship of our great God. 

Contact Info

686 Black Road, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, P6A 0C8
705.254.2191 | Send Us a Message

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