Why a Blog?

In a world saturated with opinions, fake news, rants, and data why add to the pile? A question worth answering.

If you have been a Christian for at least a week and had internet access for more than 24 hours you are well aware that this is not a new idea. After my first post last week I was surprised 2009 didn’t call and ask for their mode of communication back. I am aware that what I am doing here is not new, inventive, or original. It is, however, something I hope to do regularly. For my second post, I thought it would be worth addressing the “Why?” of this blog as you continue to get to know the “Who?”

Why do this? 

There are several reasons I want to do this project of creating content:

  1. As a discipline of devotion
  2. As a tool for encouragement and instruction
  3. As a platform for engagement and discussion

1) Devotion and Discipline

I want to write a blog as a habitual extension of my enjoyment and meditation on God, His Word, and His work.

The Christian life is a sweet and satisfying mix of passionate devotion and dutiful discipline. Jesus says in Luke 10:27, 

“And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.” 

Later in Luke 17:10, Jesus concludes, 

“So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’” 

Is Jesus confused in regard to why His followers should pursue a relationship with God? Not at all, He is keenly aware that as created beings made in God’s image we can only find true joy in communion with our Creator; He also knows that sin has put a barrier between God and Man and to build a relationship with Him “we toil and strive” (1 Timothy 4:10). Serving God is a discipline and devotion. 

Writing down my thoughts and experiences of God has always been a challenge for me. My handwriting is atrocious and my brain moves faster than my hands or fingers. Unfortunately, my tongue moves faster than my brain. As I blog and reflect on God, His Word, and this world I hope to codify and solidify my enjoyment of and obedience to God. I also hope to avoid speaking foolishly by spending more time thinking through topics rather than simply speaking the first thought that comes into my head. I think the discipline of creating content on a regular basis will challenge me to think more deeply and intentionally about the things of God and His Church.

2) Encouragement and Instruction

After reading reason one you may ask, “why not just write in a journal, Nicholas, and keep your ramblings to yourself?” A valid point. Many of my ramblings will remain private for your benefit. However, in writing this content one of my main motivations is to serve the people of Bethel Bible Chapel (and anyone else who happens to wander by) by creating content that challenges all of us to remember God’s goodness in the Gospel and the world he made for us and for His Glory.

Paul, in his closing words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:13 says, 

“When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all the parchments.”

While in prison Paul makes two simple requests: a cloak to warm himself and books to read. This is not the usual desert island list many of us would make. Paul knew the eternal value of edifying words written down to be shared between believers. Now, I am not claiming to write words with infinite eternal value. There are millions of words, articles, sermons, and books that will be more professional and edifying than my words here, but as a part of the pastoral team at Bethel, I want to encourage, teach, and lead you in knowing and experiencing God. That is what I am called to do along with the other staff and elders. Some of that will be done one-on-one (hopefully soon!), some will be done from the pulpit on Sunday morning, and some will be done here in my own words for you to read at your leisure. 

3) Engagement and Discussion

The final reason for a blog is to sustain and promote biblical conversation in our community, specifically, our Church. I am so thankful that Bethel commits to a pulpit ministry that works through books of the Bible verse-by-verse. This means if you stick around long enough we will read and meditate on bite-sized pieces of God’s Word together until we have to start the Bible over again, or Jesus comes back. But one week on a text is not enough. I hope this writing project will be an outlet to dive deeper into the text of God’s Word or certain topics and increase our exposure to certain portions of the Bible that need a little more time than one 30-40 minute sermon may allow. 

Joshua 1:8 says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Psalm 1:2, “his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.”

Matthew 4:4, “But [Jesus] answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

John 17:3, “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”

As we dive into God’s Word together we can think deeper about the topics we discuss in our services, we can apply them more specifically to our lives, and we can engage in Godly discussion to challenge each other in our walks with Christ. I’m not saying the internet is the best place for that, but it is a place. 


As we pursue God together I am looking forward to growing and walking with you, and to hear how God is working and leading in your life.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. – Ephesians 3:20-21

Soli Deo Gloria


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