It’s Back!!!!
On February 22, 2025, Sault Ste. Marie will again join thousands of others in 209 locations across Canada in “The Coldest Night of the Year”, a 2 or 5 km winter walk-a-thon supporting the hungry, homeless, and hurting. In Sault Ste. Marie, we’ll be walking for St. Vincent Place. Our goal in the WALK is to raise $100,000 with the support of 30+ teams and 200+ walkers.
Bethel teams and volunteers have been integral to this event over the past 12 years. Would you consider getting involved by becoming a team captain and recruiting 6-10 of your family, friends, small group members, or colleagues to walk with you, join a team, or support a team with their fundraising goal?
Talk to Jennifer Sarlo Event Co-Director for more information.
Check out the website for more info!
Coldest Night of the Year 2025